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Grace Pond Farm Whole Turkey
  • Grace Pond Farm Whole Turkey

    Beautiful, pastured, GMO-free whole turkey grown by our friends Grace Pond Farm in Thomaston.


    Good for Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, Christmas, roasting, poaching, parting-out, spatchcocking, ya know, whatever you wanna do.


    $6.90/lb - this $25 deposit will be deducted from the final price of your turkey(s). Complete payment due at pickup. These will be ready the week of Thanksgiving. If you want/need one sooner, please let us know and we'll see what we can do.


    Select your desired size turkey:

    Small 11-14

    Med - 15-18

    Lrg - 19+


    From Grace Pond Farm:

    • Grown on MOFGA certified organic pastures, where the turkeys are enjoying a mix of certified organic grains and Maine grown non-GMO soy. Processing will be done at the USDA facility in Edmunds - that means no gizzards available but we have requested that the livers and hearts be put in the birds so there will be some organs for gravy making.
    • Smalls (11 -14) will be frozen Please remind customers that they are frozen immediately after processing, making them fresher than most available turkeys! There is no noticeable difference in the meat texture or flavor.
    • What’s Next

      After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with your pick up day and the timeframe when your order will be ready.

      Please add to your contact list.

    • Pick-Up Info

      Pick-up will be at the Old Crow Ranch Farm Store at 427 Davis Road, Durham, ME 04222. Farm Store is 1/4 up the farm driveway.

      Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

    • Refund Policy

      Please call if you need to cancel your order prior to pick up. No returns once you’ve picked up your order. The $25 deposit on whole turkeys is non-refundable.

      Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

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